Black Ants with Wings
February 19, 2022
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February 19, 2022There are a variety of ant species around the world, but one of the most interesting is the bull ant. The bull ant differs from other ant species in a variety of ways, including its size and behavior. Because bull ants are such a difficult pest, you need to learn more about this unique ant species and the risks they may pose to you and your family.
Here are a few facts you should know about bull ants, and advice for keeping these pests out of your home.
Size and Appearance
The biggest difference between bull ants and more common ant species is their size and appearance. Bull ants can grow as large as 40 millimeters, or 1.5 inches. Bull ants have red coloring, a much larger body than normal ants, and have a stinger filled with venom. Many bull ants resemble wingless wasps due to their common ancestry.
Bull ants are also commonly referred to as bulldog ants or jumping ants and are primarily found in Australia. There are 90 different species of bull ants.
Bull Ant Behavior
Besides their impressive size, another way bull ants differ from other ant species is their behavior. Bull ants are extremely aggressive and are known to hunt larger insect species and bite humans to defend themselves.
In nature, bull ants have been observed hunting bees, and will even attack carpenter ants. Bull ants also possess extremely keen eyesight, which allows them to hunt prey over distances up to 3 feet. Like most ant species, bull ant colonies are located underground. However, the entrance to their colony is usually hidden, making it very easy to suddenly encounter a large number of bull ants.
Bull ants will attack when they feel threatened, using their strong mandibles to attach to a victim and then using their stinger. The bite of a bull ant is extremely painful and may result in a dangerous allergic reaction. Avoid areas where this species is common.
Where Bull Ants Live
Bull ants, as mentioned, are mostly found in Australia, and have even been seen in metropolitan areas like Sydney. They also commonly live in woodland areas and forests. Generally, bull ants will gather wherever there is a plentiful food source.
While some species of bull ants colonize in the same way as normal ants, others have no worker ants. Instead, these species will attack and invade other ant colonies, killing their queen and taking over the hill. Anyone that notices a bull ant near their home needs to act quickly and decisively before the ants can take root.
Protect Yourself From Bull Ants
Bull ants are one of the most aggressive species in the world, frequently attacking humans and causing great aggravation when they infiltrate a home. Fortunately, most areas of the world do not have this ant species, meaning you shouldn’t be at risk. However, even a normal ant infestation can be aggravating, which means you need to keep your home ant-free by hiring a pest control professional.
Hiring a pest control professional means keeping ants and other insects out of your home, giving you peace of mind.